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  • 참가업체 정보
  • 매칭프로그램

    참가업체 정보

    Hunger Hydraulics Korea Ltd.

    업체정보 | Company Info

    대표자 (CEO) 허성욱 Sungwook Huh
    주소 (Address) (46753) 부산 강서구 녹산산단289로 25 BMEA B/D 301호 (송정동)
    전화번호 (Tel) +82-(0)51-972-7110 홈페이지 (Homepage) http://www.hunger-hydraulics.co.kr/

    회사소개 | Company Info

    흥가하이드로릭스코리아는 Drive & Control, Engineering Hydraulic System, Motion & Monitoring 기술과 오랜기간 동안의 Know-How을 바탕으로 Engineering에서부터 제작 및 공급, Site Installation / Commissioning 과 Project Management를 One Package로 공급하는 회사로써 이는 유압의모든 측면에서 최고 수준의 부품 품질과 시스템의 제조에 필수적인 생산 및 제품 노하우로 이어져 있으며, 그 동안 쌓아온 경험 및 실적을 바탕으로 통합 솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다.
    완벽한 품질 보증을 위해 지속적으로 노력하는 귀사의 사업 파트너로서 신뢰와 기술로 항상 귀하(사)의 요구에 부응하도록 하겠습니다. 

    Foreign Company & Agency (해외본사정보)

    Country Germany Company Hunger Hydraulik Gruppe
    President Dr. Eng. h. c. Walter Hunger Phone
    Fax Address Alfred-Nobel-Str. 26 97080 Würzburg Germany
    Website https://www.hunger-group.com/home E-mail info@hunger-hydraulik.de
    Company Profile

    The company, which was found in 1945, has diversified in the past few years in accordance with customer requirements. The main focus of its business today is problem solutions that require intensive consulting services in the hydraulic and automotive field.

    Hydraulics is the main business segment of the company group. The components and systems produced by Hunger Hydraulics are considered internationally to be leading brand names, fulfilling as they do the highest requirements and being employed throughout the world. Our many years’ experience in all aspects of hydraulics is incorporated in the form of application expertise into the development of customer-specific problem solutions and is also expressed in the Hunger product and production know-how, which is essential for the manufacture of components and systems at the highest quality level. The interplay of experience, the use of state-of-the-art technologies and the application of hydraulic components to customer-specific modules and systems is the basis for fulfilling customer requirements.

    The automotive business segment comprises the fields of couplings and sheet metal processing. The fully hydraulic semi-trailer and trailer couplings stand out due to their maintenance-free operation. In the field of sheet metal processing the definitive factors are our production expertise in the manufacture of complicated formed and punched parts, our engineering services and intensive customer contacts.

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