
제1회 국제우주항공기술대전
  • Participation Guide
  • Online Participation Application
  • Participation Guide

    Online Participation Application

    STEP 01
    Agree to Participation Rules
    STEP 02
    Enter Basic Information and Application Details
    STEP 03
    Completion of Application

    Exhibition Participation Rules

    Article 1: Definitions
    1. “Exhibitor” refers to any company, organization, or individual that submits an application form for participation in this exhibition.
    2. “Exhibition” specifically means the “1st International Aerospace Industry Expo (AEROTEC2024).”
    3. “Organizer” denotes “Hansan Marketing Research Institute, Inc.”

    Article 2: Application Process
    1. To apply for participation in the exhibition, applicants must fill out and submit an application form to the organizer.
    2. Upon submitting the application form, exhibitors are required to pay 50% of the participation fee as a deposit within three days. However, the organizer can refuse the application if there is no available exhibition space or if the proposed exhibits are considered unsuitable for the exhibition. In addition, the organizer may return the application and any fees paid within 15 days due to circumstances related to the exhibition.

    Article 3: Space Allocation
    1. Exhibition space allocation is determined by the organizer based on application order, requested space size, nature of the exhibits, and other reasonable factors, either on a first-come, first-served basis or at the organizer’s discretion. Exhibitors cannot dispute their space allocation.
    2. Under special circumstances, before the setup period for the exhibition begins, the organizer may adjust the allocated space and location in consultation with the exhibitor. Unless prevented by unforeseen events, exhibitors should cooperate with the organizer’s requests as fully as possible.

    Article 4: Exhibition Hall Management
    1. Exhibitors must display the products detailed in their application and are responsible for staffing their booth at all times to ensure it is well managed.
    2. If exhibitors present items not specified in their application or items that do not fit the theme of the exhibition, the organizer has the authority to immediately halt, dismantle, or remove these displays. In such cases, the participation fee will not be refunded, and exhibitors will not be entitled to compensation for any losses.
    3. The organizer may restrict access to the exhibition hall to certain individuals when necessary. Exhibitors are not allowed to transfer, sell, or exchange any portion of their allocated space to another party without explicit written consent from the organizer.
    4. Exhibitors are prohibited from making permanent changes to the exhibition hall, such as painting or drilling into floors, ceilings, pillars, or walls. They must also pay for any damage to the exhibition hall as requested by the organizer.
    5. To ensure order, safety, and prevent activities that could lead to public concern, the organizer reserves the right to selectively limit or exclude certain items or activities from the exhibition.

    Article 5: Participation Fee Payment Conditions
    1. Exhibitors are required to pay 50% of the participation fee as a deposit within three days following the submission of their application. The remaining balance must be paid by August 30, 2024.
    2. If an exhibitor fails to pay the remaining balance by the due date, the organizer can cancel the agreement. In this situation, the exhibitor cannot request a refund of any previously paid fees.
    3. If an exhibitor does not pay the participation fee, technical support fee, or other associated costs, the organizer has the right to retain the exhibitor’s items until full payment is received. All related expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the exhibitor.

    Article 6: Cancellation or Change by the Exhibitor
    1. Exhibitors must inform the organizer in writing immediately if they wish to cancel or reduce their allocated exhibition space.
    2. If an exhibitor cancels or reduces their participation after submitting the application and contract, they must pay a cancellation fee based on the following terms within 15 days of the cancellation. This fee will be adjusted against any participation fees already paid. If extra payment is needed to cover the cancellation fee, it must be provided; any excess will be refunded.
    - For cancellations or reductions before May 31, 2024, 50% of the booth fee for cancellations and 30% for reductions will be charged, excluding VAT.
    - For cancellations or reductions from June 1, 2024, to August 31, 2024, 80% of the booth fee for cancellations and 50% for reductions will be charged, excluding VAT.
    - For cancellations or reductions after August 31, 2024, the full 100% of the booth fee will be charged as a cancellation fee, excluding VAT.
    3. Refunded amounts will not accrue interest.

    Article 7: Exhibition Cancellation or Change by the Organizer
    If the organizer cancels the exhibition, all participation fees paid will be returned to the exhibitors. However, no refunds will be made if the exhibition is canceled or postponed due to force majeure or other circumstances beyond the organizer’s control. In such cases, exhibitors have no right to claim compensation from the organizer.

    Article 8: Setup and Display
    Exhibitors are required to complete the setup and display of their exhibits within the designated time frame.

    Article 9: Removal of Exhibits and Structures
    Exhibitors must remove all exhibits and structures within the designated time frame. If removal is delayed, the exhibitor is responsible for covering any additional costs incurred by the organizer.

    Article 10: Exhibition Hall Security, Risk Responsibility, and Insurance
    1. The organizer will provide suitable security measures for the protection of exhibitors and visitors.
    2. Exhibitors are entirely responsible for any damage or theft of their displays and equipment within their designated space throughout the exhibition, including during setup and dismantling.
    3. If exhibitors, through their own actions or negligence, cause damage, theft, or other incidents that result in loss to the organizer or third parties, they must fully compensate for those losses. It is the responsibility of the exhibitors to insure their displays and equipment.

    Article 11: Fire Prevention Rules
    1. All materials and structures within the exhibition hall must be treated to be fire-resistant, following fire safety standards.
    2. When necessary, the organizer can require exhibitors to implement measures for fire prevention.

    Article 12: Supplementary Rules
    The organizer may establish additional rules as necessary that have not been specified in the initial participation guidelines.

    Article 13: Dispute Resolution
    Disputes related to the interpretation of these rules and the obligations of the involved parties will be resolved through arbitration by the Korea Commercial Arbitration Board.